If you ever get to visit San Antonio, don't miss the riverwalk. I wish now that we had had the energy to check out more of it. It has to be the most charming downtown park I've ever seen that goes on for several dozen blocks. Everything is within easy walking distance in downtown San Antonio. Toured the Alamo and learned a bit of Texas history in the process. Spent a few hours snooping through the upscale art shops in La Villita. Today we drove out to New Braunsfels and Canyon Lake area. The heat wave here has been off the charts - could have spent more time exploring but it was simply too hot. Stopped at an antique market and was surprised to see much of the same type of stuff I see in shops in G.R. Carol keeps trying to drag me to the reptile farm *no thanks* that we drive by almost every day. They also have a pair of 2-story high cowboy boots that were outside an upscale clothing store. The container store was also very cool, Chicago also has one that I'll have to drop in next time I'm attending a class in Schaumburg.
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